Friday 15 September 2023, 18:00Passed
Free under reservation
September 2023
Friday 15
18:00 - 20:00
Accessible to the motor impaired

Bazaar St So

292 rue Camille Guérin 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Conference-debate Christine Leconte 'Repairing the City'

Christine Leconte is President of the National Council of the Order of Architects and co-author of the book “Réparons la ville!” written with Sylvain Grisot.
Friday 15 September 2023, 18:00Passed
Free under reservation
Bazaar St So

Christine Leconte is President of the National Council of the Order of Architects and co-author of the book “Repairing the City!” written with Sylvain Grisot. Teacher at ENSA-Versailles, her commitment is ecological, social and cultural. It advocates the right to architecture for all, and pushes the development of pioneering solutions that exist in urban planning and architecture to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. On the occasion of his contribution to the exhibition “The city goes round in circles?” and the launch of the 2023 European Heritage Days, Christine Leconte will present the major issues of the contemporary city thought under the prism of reuse. How to make the city on the city, with the existing? What solutions exist to do otherwise, by repairing the city rather than building it?
18h: opening of the doors 19h: lecture by Christine Leconte 19h45: debate with the public

Événement d’intérêt métropolitain
No selection
Événement récurrent
No selection
Catégories Métropolitaines
Workshop, Garage sale, Conferences, Movies, Dance, Exhibition, Festival, Theatre, Visit - walk, Sport, Music, Spectacle
No selection

About the location

Bazaar St So
292 rue Camille Guérin 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
The Bazaar St So is a former train station that has become a third 5,000 m² space dedicated to the creative economy: designers, artisans, scenographers… Located right in the city centre in a former freight station, it welcomes 300 people every day, and hosts trainings, conferences, festive events during the week and weekends.
Site patrimonial remarquable, Patrimoine ferroviaire, des transports et du génie civil
Metro Lille Grand Palais

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