Thursday 2 May, 14:00Passed
May 2024
Thursday 2
14:00 - 16:00
7 to 99 years old

FULL/Naturalist walk: ornythologist

Accompanied by nature animators, discover the basics of bird watching.
Thursday 2 May, 14:00Passed

You are not an expert in bird knowledge? That’s good, we too! Come with your family, learn with us, the basics of bird watching, sedentary or passing through. Together, we will try to know a little more, between beaks, migration or any other scientific term with feathers! Any knowledge or prerequisites is strongly discouraged! Appointment: 14h – Parking, 74/76 rue du Maréchal Foch - FRETIN Good to know: limited number of places, on registration by email at animationnature@lillemetropole.fr Duration: 2h Public: from 7 years and family Contact: MEL at 06 30 46 37 16

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About the location

PARKING, 74-76 rue du Maréchal Foch, fretin
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

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