Conference | Russian betting in Syria
[Postponement of the conference originally scheduled for 3 Dec. 2022 due to a social movement at SNCF] > Ziad Majed
Franco-Lebanese politician, professor and director of the Middle East studies program at the American University of Paris (AUP), member of the iReMMO. He is the author of several books, articles and studies on reforms, democratic transitions, elections, civil society and citizenship in Lebanon, Syria and the Arab region, including Syria, the orphan revolution (Actes Sud, 2014) and Dans la tête de Bachar al-Assad (with Farouk Mardam-Bey, Subhi Hadidi, Actes Sud, 2018).
Dominique Vidal (moderation)
Historian and journalist, specialist in international relations and especially in the Middle East, collaborator of the "Diplomatic World", member of the IReMMO Bureau, volunteer facilitator of La Chance.