Saturday 21 September 2024, 11:00Passed
Free. Without reservation. Attention, limited number of places: our library has a small reception area. Parking at the entrance of the village from Hasparren, the pool, or on the place des Arceaux (pmr).
September 2024
Saturday 21
11:00 - 12:00
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired


40 place des Arceaux, 64240 La Bastide-Clairence
  • Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

«Feet in the ocean»: from the first sea baths to surfing

Feet in the ocean: from the first sea baths to surfing.
Saturday 21 September 2024, 11:00Passed
Free. Without reservation. Attention, limited number of places: our library has a small reception area. Parking at the entrance of the village from Hasparren, the pool, or on the place des Arceaux (pmr).
©Association Façon de Voir

Feet in the ocean: from the first sea baths to surfing.
We all set foot in the ocean one day or another. Yet what seems so simple today was not always so simple. From the fear of the sea to the regulatory bathing costumes, immersing oneself in the ocean required a long process of domestication of the shore, the landscape and the imaginary.
Thanks to this common past, shoreline recreation has been able to develop to allow us today to practice various activities, which range from walking to surfing, to tanning or body maintenance exercises. This multiplicity of shoreline practices is linked to the quest for well-being that the ocean brings.
To understand the history of our links with the ocean and the different marine body practices, and more particularly surfing, the association Façons de Voir with the rural associative library Liber & Litterae and the Institut des Sciences de Sport Santé de Paris offers a talk moderated by anthropologist Anne-Sophie Sayeux, who will present her book and her work on surfing. Several guests will enrich the exchanges and talk about history or their maritime experiences, and exchange with the public on what binds us so much to the ocean.
The library will prepare books related to the rich maritime theme.

About the location

40 place des Arceaux, 64240 La Bastide-Clairence
  • Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
What is sport: a game, an art, a competition, a show, a custom? Sometimes elusive, it is clearly a reflection of our societies. But sport, so present in our daily lives, is little invested by the cultural field while it regularly makes the hearts of villages and cities beat, brings together generations and bears the memory of our cultures.
To understand how sport is worthy of being noticed by heritage, the association of ethnology and anthropology Ways of Seeing has partnered with the library Liber & Litterae, to propose a conference-debate at La Bastide-Clairence animated by the anthropologist Anne-MarieSophie Sayeux, teacher-researcher engaged in research questioning the body, sensations and links to nature.
Several guests will enrich the exchanges around the Basque pelota, Basque strength games, surfing ... and perhaps other surprises!
The library will prepare sports-related books available for loan.
Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs
Parking at the entrance of the village from Hasparren or at the pool and on the Place des Arceaux.
©Association Façon de Voir