Archives municipales et communautaires
6 rue Robert Fulton, 51100 Reims
The various missions of the service(department) of archives concern: advice(council) in services(departments) in the management of their documentary production, collects it of final archives, their preservation respecting special standards, their classification(ranking), description and development of search tools to allow the user to reach it, their communication respecting the code of heritage, distribution(broadcasting) and promotion(valuation) of bottoms and collections.
The kept(preserved) bottoms are local, Community, hospitable(hospital) or of private origin.
Service(Department) has a library(bookcase), an educational service(department) for the welcome(reception) of classes, and leads different actions(shares) of promotion(valuation) and of distribution(broadcasting): exhibitions(exposures), workshops(studios), welcome(reception) of groups, memory action(share) in districts...
Many archives digitally converted are accessible(approachable) on the site of the local and Community Archives.

©Ville de Reims