Palais de Justice
13 place Myron Herrick, 51100 Reims
From the foundation of the bishop's palace at the beginning of the VIth century, the necessity of a place of welcome(reception) determined the construction of the Hôtel-Dieu of Reims. It obtained its own chapel devoted to Saint Nicolas. The religious institution was present until the XIXth century. It is in 1839 that consular justice began to be returned in the building(ship) which replaced that of the Hôtel-Dieu. Today the Law courts receive the Small-claims court and higher level court as well as the court dealing with trade disputes. Œuvre of the architect Alphonse Gosset, the building(ship) shows a facade of Neo-Greek style. The facades of style Louis XV and the old(former) Gothic cellars are kept(preserved). The underground room was listed(classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments in 1930.
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire, Édifice hospitalier, Monument historique

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