80460 Ault
rue du Sémaphore
OLT COMMON HOME, site visit
It is clear that we live globally in troubled times say some, transitional say others. Our way of eating, of moving, of consuming to work, to make family, to rest, to live but also to build. Overall, our arts of living, carried until then by the dream of modernity, have lost their evidence. From this long list of observations emerge situations and contradictions that require to admit complexity, sometimes taking on the appearance of dead ends or on the contrary joyful and dynamic openings, Revealing an inventive vitality and desire to experiment making emerge then, the abundance of possibilities and our ability to always reinvent.
The obsolescence of the second home model (large financial expenses, a lot of time spent in maintenance for a reduced occupancy time, vacant housing at 80% of the time, artificialization of the floors), contemporary with the health crisis that awakens in many city dwellers the need to escape the big city and on the other hand the s
Architecture contemporaine remarquable, Ouverture exceptionnelle, ARCHITECTURES AU QUOTIDIEN (le bâtiment pour habiter, dormir, travailler, se déplacer, étudier, s’amuser, faire du sport, etc.), GRANDS REPÈRES (architecture iconique et monumentale, sites labellisés Architecture Contemporaine Remarquable, bâtiment réalisé par un architecte lauréat d’un Grand Prix national de l’architecture), Musée
Accessible by car. Parking about 200 meters, Espace culturel Jacques Prévert, rue du Moulin, 80460 Ault.
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