Friday 20 September, 18:30Passed
Duration 1h, 40 pers. max.
 06 13 67 49 73
September 2024
Friday 20
18:30 - 19:30
Accessible to the motor impaired

Musée du patrimoine des écoles

Place de la mairie, 76920 Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie
  • Seine-Maritime
  • Normandie

Conference: Waterways over time

At, Amfreville-la-Mivoie in a reconstructed classroom from the 1950s/60s, the lecture Les cours d'eau presented to primary school students over time by Bernard Le Sueur, historian and pedagogue…
Friday 20 September, 18:30Passed
Duration 1h, 40 pers. max.
 06 13 67 49 73

At, Amfreville-la-Mivoie in a classroom reconstituted from the 50s/60s, the conference The Waterways presented to primary school students over time by Bernard Le Sueur, historian and pedagogue. The river will also be approached in its uses by an introduction to boating. This conference is proposed by the Heritage Museum of Schools, the association of former boatmen and the collective BARGE, on the occasion of the exhibition Remarkable Amers on the towpath in Amfreville-la-Mivoie.

Types d'événement
Thèmes 2024
Patrimoine maritime
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pass Culture
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About the location

Musée du patrimoine des écoles
Place de la mairie, 76920 Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie
  • Seine-Maritime
  • Normandie
The museum keeps(preserves) the past of the schools of Amfreville of the end of the XIXth century s. in years 50-60\. He(It) consists of two rooms: an exhibition hall (thematic shop windows(showcases), old(former) school materials(equipments), diverse themes, photographies of classes.) and a reconstructed schoolroom (pedagogic material(equipment), exercise books, schoolbooks).
From Rouen: Taken(Brought) out the East. D6015 in 5km From A13: taken(brought) out Tourville the River