Exhibition | Disorders, Yoan Sorin

Disorders, Yoan Sorin
After a one-year research residency at 3 bis f, Yoan Sorin inaugurates the cycle of exhibitions of the new 2023-2024 season with his exhibition Désordres. Through her multifaceted work, the artist explores the challenges and possibilities of the human experience. The meeting, the real starting point and essential driving force of this exhibition, transcends the limits to become a true celebration of diversity. The works are presented as welcoming plastic forms, ready to receive the singularity of each individual, offering a space where everyone can find his place and connect through artistic expression. A fascinating journey into the heart of disorder that reveals the beauty and richness of our humanity.
Vernissage the exhibition in the presence of the artist Saturday, September 16 from 11am to 1pm
Exhibition open Friday 15, Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September from 14h to 18h
-European Heritage Days 2023 | The 3 bis f and the archives and documentation service of the Centre Hospitalier Montperrin
An architectural and landscape environment conducive to care: residential architecture, gardens and fountains
Link to the full programme of the European Heritage Days at the Montperrin Hospital Centre & proposals from the archives and documentation service: https://www.3bisf.com/journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine-2023