Urban walking book "Marseille Patrimoine"

The urban walking books guide you through the architecture and urbanism of the cities of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône.
The booklet "Marseille patrimoine" takes you from the Old Port to the Major, passing through the labyrinth of the Panier!
It guides you among the historical monuments of Marseille such as the Councilman’s House of Cabre and the Diamond House. To discover this architectural heritage, we give you information on the construction of the buildings, the details of the facades to be observed.
An invitation on the heights, to discover the historic city: its mills, its alleys, its traditional habitat.
The walk ends with a view of the Mediterranean, of the port and its forts, on the other shore to discover.
You can download the booklet for free at this address: https://carnets-balades-urbaines.fr/marseille-la-ville-au-fil-du-temps/
The notebooks are designed by the Urban Dream Company and financed by the DRAC Paca and the Departmental Council 13.