Beaumes-de-Venise, writing territory
Like an adventurer of words, walk through Beaumes-de-Venise with Philippe Berthaut, inventor of the concept of «writing cities» and animator of many writing workshops throughout France.
Saturday 16 September 2023, 09:30Passed
Reservation required with the culture and heritage department of the CoVe: L/M/M/J/V from 8:30 am to 5 pm
04 90 67 69 21
© La Cove
Like an adventurer of words, walk through Beaumes-de-Venise with Philippe Berthaut, inventor of the concept of «writing cities» and host of many writing workshops throughout France.
Bernard Allègre, mediator of the heritage of the CoVe, meanwhile, will always have an anecdote, a story or a historical fact to tell you, which will make this experience an unforgettable moment.
Let yourself be guided in the stopovers with the games offered. Have fun, a lot, em-beaumez!Organized by the CoVe - Pays d'art & d'histoire Ventoux-Comtat Venaissin