At work! Ambulatory show in the Roux grain shop
Carte blanche to the Maâloum company in the graineterie Roux.
Sunday 17 September 2023, 15:30Passed
Reservation required with the culture and heritage department of the CoVe. Your schedule will be communicated to you at the reservation.
04 90 67 69 21
© La Cove
Carte blanche to the Maâloum company in the Roux seed shop.
A magical and little-known place of Carpentre’s industrial heritage, the Roux grain shop and its formidable machines are revealed to you through literary excerpts read by the actors of the Maâloum company. Immerse yourself in the horrors of the world of work through their sonic universe, mixing the words of great authors, music and the echo of the monument. More than a literary visit, it is indeed an emotional journey that all your senses will be summoned.
At 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm
Organized by the CoVe - Pays d'art et d'histoire Ventoux-Comtat Venaissin