Departmental archives

Departmental archives
Pôle Culturel Chabran - 660 bd kennedy 14h à 18h Guided tours of the archives building 15 pers. max on reservation - All public 14h à 17h Workshop "Restoration" Discover the restoration of documents with practical work on a damaged sheet. 14h à 15h30 Workshop "Retrace the history of its commune" The workshop will discover the essential sources to write the history of its commune and its inhabitants. Research exercises will be proposed. 15 pers. max. On reservation - teenagers and adults 16h to 17h30 Workshop "Introduction to family genealogy" A history of French institutions whose archives allow today to conduct genealogical research and presentation of the main useful sources, especially on our website. 15 pers. max. On reservation - teenagers and adults Renseigenments and reservation: 04 83 83 83 -