The strange stroll of Fontenay... A sound and imaginary journey, in the footsteps of the "Fontenautes"
Visitors, young or old, discover Fontenay-le-Comte, equipped with an audio headset. They are accompanied by a curious little character, a kind of invisible and imaginary friend, who will guide them to
16 and 17 September 2023Passed
On registration, 4€/person, limited places

Le crabe fantôme
Visitors, young and old, discover Fontenay-le-Comte, equipped with headphones. They are accompanied by a curious little character, a kind of invisible and imaginary friend, who will guide them as they walk. Go and meet Tanagrau, the giant of the Hôtel de la Pérate, the Dormeuse de Chaix, the Ondines who populate the Vendée River, a little mulatto who idolizes General Belliard or two cocks who invectivate themselves for centuries above our heads…!