Story Time: The Adventures of Sylvain and Sylvette
Special Event:
Saturday 16 September 2023, 16:00Passed
On reservation at 02 40 81 03 33
Special event: Story time "The adventures of Sylvain and Sylvette" On Saturday 06 September from 16h to 16h45 come discover or rediscover the world of these two famous characters.
From 14 to 30 September: exhibition Sylvain et Syvette at the library of La Meilleraye de Bretagne (opening hours) Enhancement of the heritage fund with the series created in 1914 by the illustrator and screenwriter Maurice Cuvilier: Sylvain et Sylvette. Hearing the name of our two heroes, it’s magical, many say in a unanimous chorus: It’s all the magic of my childhood!