Musical animation all afternoon, proposed by a collective amateur of early music in the chapel of Avrillé in Beaufort en Anjou
This chapel is a vestige of the former priory of Avrillé built by the monks of St Augustin, dependent on the abbey of Toussaint in Angers, later transmitted to the secular clergy who served it…
Sunday 17 September 2023, 14:00Passed
Free participation for musicians
de la Maisonneuve
This chapel is a vestige of the former priory of Avrillé erected by the monks of St Augustin, dependent on the abbey of Toussaint in Angers, then transmitted to the secular clergy who served it until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.
The restoration of the eastern bedside (rose window) as well as the renovation of the roof were carried out in 1988 and 2008