Meet the aquatic insects of Lake Grand Lieu
Accompanied by Frédérique.
Sunday 17 September 2023, 14:30, 16:00Passed
On registration
ot-grandlieu@grandlieu.frOffice de tourisme de Grand Lieu
Accompanied by Frédérique.
This exclusive small animal fishing trip in the waters of Grand Lieu Lake, within the regional nature reserve, is only possible as part of an accompaniment proposed by the Fishermen’s House. Young and old will exceptionally set foot in the lake of Grand Lieu, to discover the abundant life of freshwater, the variety of living beings and their physical characteristics. Arthropods (crustaceans, insects), molluscs and vertebrates will be at the rendezvous! On reservation with the tourist office of Grand Lieu.
Sunday afternoon, 14h30-15h30 and 16h-17h - fishing in the lake with ALEA NATURE