Les Ateliers de la Mine
2 allée de la Mine, 23150 Lavaveix-les-Mines
The workshops of the Mine, distributed around a central courtyard, form a vast complex of 1,500 m2 and are listed as Historical Monuments.
Red brick facades, tiled or slate roofs make the unity and uniqueness of these places with so special atmosphere. One is seized by the imposing symbolic building of the porch, majestic entrance typical of industrial architecture of the eighteenth century.
The workshops of the Mine in Lavaveix are the scene of an ambitious gamble giving birth to a third place where economic, cultural and social dynamics intersect.
Today, a café, a recycle shop, a library and private or shared workspaces coexist, whose activities allow the encounter and dialogue between users from all walks of life - inhabitants, volunteers, professionals, artists, residents, handymen...
Monument historique, Site patrimonial remarquable, Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique, Patrimoine ferroviaire, des transports et du génie civil, Édifice rural
Accessible by train (station of Lavaveix-les-Mines) or by car, by the departmental 55, the place is equipped with parking nearby and many parking spaces in the village.

©Les Ateliers de la Mine