Participatory project in Grandsaigne
Led by Maisons Paysannes de Corrèze for the rehabilitation of old techniques "current solutions for eco-construction" and by Masonry tuff; Laurent de Boislorey, trainer e…
Saturday 16 September 2023, 09:30Passed
Free. On registration. Provide solid shoes («safety») and gloves, clothing safe. Shovels, picks, trowels, massettes... Free meal.
06 75 38 43 59©Fred Vitadier
Led by Maisons Paysannes de Corrèze for the rehabilitation of old techniques «current solutions for eco-construction» and by Maçonnerie au tuf; Laurent de Boislorey, expert trainer in
accompaniment of construction site (old, ecological and other construction), will guide you in the use of techniques and tools and materials «low tech» ecological and efficient.
For children, a tuff brick making workshop will be organized.
Discover an exhibition of tools and machinery from the Middle Ages, in particular
a carrier wheel (squirrel cage).