Église de Bouray-sur-Juine
1 Place de l'Eglise 91850 Bouray sur Juine
The bell appears in the fourth century, punctuating the hours, announcing baptisms, marriages and deaths. But it was not until 3 centuries that the abbot of Morigny, collateral of the cure, appointed the 1st parish priest of Bouray. The 11th century was an era of great expansion and saw the reconstruction of a multitude of churches. That of Bouray would date from this time although one advances 1120 for the date of its consecration. This building succeeded the previous buildings: Carolingians, Merovingians and pagans, on the same location. But, for the first time, the construction is in stone, symbol of duration. Pillars and buttresses, bays and ribs are made of country sandstone, cut and fitted. The walls are small. The plan is rectangular like the ancient Roman basilica, without transept, including a central nave flanked by two collaterals. The one on the left very low recalls a crypt and the bell tower is incorporated. The nave and side aisles consisted of four cross-vaulted bays. D
Monument historique, Édifice religieux
Parking with proxility