Guided tour of the Paris Foreign Missions Museum for young people

Come and discover the Paris Foreign Missions!
Make your young people (between 10 and 15 years) travel through the great adventure of the Missions Étrangères de Paris! An illustrated tour of the MEP Museum, to discover the commitment of these missionaries who, from the 17th century to the present day, have gone to Asia to bring the Good News of the Gospel!
Guided and illustrated tour supervised by The Treasures of Paris.
The Société des Missions Etrangères de Paris (MEP) was created in 1658 for the evangelization of Asia. In 360 years, nearly 4,500 priests were sent from the 128 Rue du Bac seminary.
Twenty-three missionaries offered their lives in martyrdom and are officially holy. The crypt of the Martyrs is a place of pilgrimage dedicated to them. Many groups or individuals come to visit and pray. You are welcome here. It contains paintings, objects and relics of the holy martyrs. Today, there are 150 priests in 14 countries. Since 2003, thousands of young volunteers have left to support missions, for example in Madagascar, China, India, the Philippines… They work in education, health, care of the disabled, street children, rural development, youth animation, accounting, etc. Get on board too!