Musée du Jouet
1 enclos de l'Abbaye 78300 Poissy
The Toy Museum presents about 800 games and children’s toys from antiquity (thanks to an exceptional deposit of the Louvre Museum) to the present day, with a large part made at the end of the nineteenth century and the golden age of the toy. Thematic exhibitions regularly come to renew the presentation of this unusual collection. The Toy Museum is housed in the door of the former Royal Priory Saint-Louis, founded in 1297 by Philippe le Bel and inaugurated after the Revolution. Surrounded by a charming garden, it is located in the enclosure of the Abbey, privileged enclave that leads to the Meissonier Park and the Savoye villa of the architect Le Corbusier.
Édifice religieux, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Musée, salle d'exposition, Monument historique, Musée de France
Motorways A13 or A14, access by RER A or by train from Paris Saint-Lazare (line Paris Saint-Lazare/Mantes-la-Jolie) stop Poissy.

Musée du Jouet