Visit of the MSH Paris Nord and its garden

from 2pm to 3pm - visit the building and garden of the MSH Paris Nord The MSH Paris Nord unveils its beautiful architect building, from the 4th floor with its panoramic view, to its garden, place of biodiversity, through its large 300-seat auditorium equipped with a spatialized sound device! Diane Schuh, musician and experimental landscaper, PhD student in the music department of the University of Paris 8, will take you on an observation tour in the garden inspired by the concept of a moving garden by landscape architect Gilles Clément. The species planted there are left free to the reconquest, simply guided by some annual mowings. We will ask ourselves: how to pay attention to the multiplicity of the living? How to pay attention to the polyphony of the medium? Through observation and listening, we will practice the art of attention. Duration 1h Open to all, recommended registration Full programme of heritage days at the MSH Paris Nord on its website: