Sentences, proverbs and punchlines: poetic journey in the museum
Welcome to a "museum of words", under the auspices of Eluard, poet of love, commitment and play! Linguist Julien Barret offers a poetic walk on the theme of the brief form, dep…
Saturday 16 September 2023, 15:00Passed
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© Julien Barret
Welcome to a “museum of words”, under the auspices of Eluard, poet of love, commitment and play! The linguist Julien Barret offers a poetic walk on the theme of the brief form, from the Roman Empire to the punchlines of NTM. By confronting the proverbs dadas and surrealists, especially from the review Proverbe created by Eluard and Paulhan in 1920, with the sentences written on the walls of the Carmel, visitors are invited to play with words.