The people of Bligny (V) seen by Patrick Bard, photographer and poet too.

Patrick Bard, is a writer, photographer, and poet too (perhaps especially)
In residence on the hill of Bligny in 2021 with the support of the region Île-de-France, explore the centenary park of the Hospital Center of Bligny and the historical archives of the former sanatoriums of Bligny, he chose to create this atypical exhibition.
He compares and brings together the old images and those he realizes, confronts them, thus composing original assemblies that he presents for his second hanging in "The Valley" of the hill of Bligny, close to the theater.
The discreet translucent panels of the exhibition harmonize with the plant panorama and revive the witnesses of yesteryear.
His unpublished photographic creations, printed on transparent supports enclosed in raw iron supports, invite the visitor to gather in the same field of vision the past time, the present sublimated by the photographer, and the relaxing and varied vegetable reality.
This exhibition entitled "Les gens de Bligny V" leads us into a surprising stroll in the place called "La Vallée", in a park of 87 hectares little visited, that of the Hospital of Bligny in the rural Essonne.
The entrance is free, the journey begins and ends in front of the Théâtre de Bligny: the mythical auditorium of the Centre Hospitalier de Bligny.
Bon voyage in time and space, to the meeting of a bygone era, and its witnesses, in resonance with ourselves and our world today...