Théâtre de Verdure de La Girandole
65 rue Pierre de Montreuil, 93100 Montreuil
- Seine-Saint-Denis
- Île-de-France
From May to September, La Girandole establishes its summer quarters in its Théâtre de Verdure, on a plot allocated by the city of Montreuil, within the historic site of the Fisheries Walls. It organizes an annual festival, Sous les Pêchers la Plage, multidisciplinary and eclectic outdoor programming, including thematic festivals (Hip-Hop, Ecoféminisme & Sorcellerie, Engagement politique, etc.), theatrical evenings, clown shows, of puppets, balls and concerts. And actively participates in the organization of the Festival des Murs à pêches. From May to September, La Girandole establishes its summer quarters in its Théâtre de Verdure, on a plot allocated by the city of Montreuil, within the historic site of the Fisheries Walls. It organizes an annual festival, Sous les Pêchers la Plage, multidisciplinary and eclectic outdoor programming, including thematic festivals (Hip-Hop, Ecoféminisme & Sorcellerie, Engagement politique, etc.), theatrical evenings, clown shows, of puppets, balls and c
Site patrimonial remarquable, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
Metro 9 (Mairie de Montreuil), then bus 122 to Marie de Montreuil and stop Saint Just OR walk from the Mairie (15 min). Noctilian for return: N34, Danton judgment

©La Girandole