Maison des Pratiques Artistiques Amateurs / Broussais
100 rue Didot 75014 Paris
The Maison Pratiques Artistiques Amateurs is a cultural establishment of the City of Paris, spread over 5 Parisian sites:
the MPAA/La Canopée in the 1st arrondissement. the MPAA/Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement. the MPAA/Breguet in the 11th arrondissement.
the MPAA/Broussais in the 14th arrondissement.
MPAA/Saint-Blaise in the 20th arrondissement.
Its mission is to encourage, develop and promote amateur artistic practices throughout Paris and Greater Paris.
It offers rental services of rehearsal spaces, accompanies the projects of amateur teams and artists, organizes workshops of artistic practices in collaboration with professional artists, hosts performances in diffusion.
It is also developing a resource centre serving the general public and networks of culture, art teaching and animation.
Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
Metro Porte de Vanves/ Porte d'Orléans then T3A Didot

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