I have nothing to tell you - The Landru Trial

"Show me the bodies!" Considered the first French serial killer and accused of eleven murders, Henri Désiré Landru will never confess! On November 7, 1921, his trial opened at the Assises de Versailles: a moment of great spectacle! In the absence of material evidence and confession, Landru amazes! Landru delights! He claims his innocence loud and clear: after all, no body has been found, so no clues! This is without counting on the stubbornness of the Comissary Jules Belin, the man who arrested Landru and who will accumulate a bundle of indinces leading this man, "innocent until proven otherwise", in front of the Court of Assizes of Versailles! And it is precisely this trial, ladies and gentlemen, that we invite you to relive! Come and enjoy the outspokenness, the murderous replicas of Landru and enter this Court of Assizes! Come to the reconstitution of this historical trial and maybe you will even have the chance to be drawn to come to sit as jurors and thus, make your verdict...