Exhibition of the work of the students of the vocational schools and art schools of the Paris Academy

The Paris Academy has several professional high schools and arts schools, specialized in the professions of fashion and elegance, decorative arts, photography and image, design, wood, etc. offering a rich catalogue of demanding training, from feather-looms to boilermaking, including cabinetry, leather goods, jewellery, glassware, etc. These include the Lycée des métiers Lucas de Nehou (5th and 14th), the INJS (Institut national des jeunes sourds de Paris, 5e), Lycée des métiers Marie Laurencin (10th), Lycée des métiers Dorian (11th), Lycée des métiers Paul Poiret (11th), Lycée des métiers Turquetil (11th), École Boulle (12th), Lycée professionnelle Chennevière Malézieux (12th), Lycée polyvalent Elisa Lemonnier (12th), Lycée Corvisart-Tolbiac (13th), EREA (Establishment régional d'enseignement adapté) Croce Spinelli (14th), ENSAAMA (École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art) Olivier de Serres (15th), Brassaï vocational school (15th), Lycée des métiers Fresnel (15th), Lycée des métiers Léonard de Vinci (15th), Lycée des métiers Octave Feuillet (16th), Lycée des métiers Auguste Renoir (18th), Lycée polyvalent d'Alembert (19th), the Lycée polyvalent Diderot (19th century) or the Lycée des métiers Hector Guimard (19th century).
The prestigious historic spaces of the Academic Palace will be the perfect setting for the achievements of talented students from some of these institutions, a true living heritage. The Grand Salon, for example, will host an exhibition of outfits made and worn by students of the academy during the fashion and elegance high school parades that traditionally take place in the Grand Amphitheatre. And there will be many other works brought to light during the visit including, among others, the work of member institutions of the Campus des Métiers d'Art & Design.
Born in 2020 under the leadership of the Paris Academy and the Île-de-France region, led by Ensaama and registered in an exceptional partnership with the Mobilier National - also a founding member - the Campus, a space for reflection and exchange unique in France, plays a leading role in the development and promotion of excellence training. Designed as a true incubator, it brings together several thousand students in pre and post-baccalaureate courses, in harmony with the needs of the creative sector.
The Rector of the Academy and the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris have chosen to support the promotion of vocational education which is intended to be multidisciplinary, for better learning and easier integration into working life. They thank the institutions that generously lend, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the works made by their students.