Dialogue around the presentation of the book 'L'Entre deux barres'

from 3.30pm to 4pm: presentation of the book L'Entre deux barres by Olivier Boucheron and Maria Anita Palumbo A yurt installed at the foot of a large complex, a building wall completely refitted without authorization, flower pots installed in a row, apartment remodelling: how do the inhabitants of large housing estates around the world adapt, redevelop, appropriate, take control of the places where they live? Can we talk about resistance to the modern project that embodies large ensembles? If so, why? Several research projects were conducted in Dakar, Shanghai, Ulan Bator, Zanzibar, Stasbourg, Moscow… Maria Anita Palumbo and Olivier Boucheron, who directed the publication L'Entre eux barres An ethnography of the transformation of collective housing units by their inhabitants, will come to present and dialogue with you. They will also exhibit magnificent photos of this planetary tour of the major ensembles Dialogue with the authors and exhibition on the forecourt in front of the MSH Paris Nord. Open to all without reservation Full programme of heritage days at the MSH Paris Nord on its website: https://www.mshparisnord.fr/event/journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine-2023/