From Them to us

It is the lyrics (and, most often, music) of women creators of the twentieth century that constitute the entire repertoire of this show: a matrimony still too often unknown, underestimated, poorly transmitted. D'Elles à nous brings together very different songs, cabarets from the left bank as well as the Yéyé wave, the first singer-songwriter (Nicole Louvier, winner of the Grand Prix de la Chanson de Deauville at 19) as Marie Dubas (very famous whimsical in the 1930s) or Brigitte Fontaine. A sample that gives pride of place to the work of Anne Sylvestre, a conscious and poetic work, who has always refused to submit her art to the only expression of her feminist commitment, this artist had even written Chanson dégagée, a work that responded to the diktat of the committed song. The great author-composer-performer, always in touch with her time from the 1950s until her disappearance in 2020, put in words and music as well the dissymmetry of the relations woman-man in the patriarchal societies, the right to abortion, the derisory gender stereotypes, homosexuality, the daily and existential difficulties of all women in all situations, and always pursuing a poetic and musical research as singular as universal. Joys and pains, servitudes and freedom, anguish and plenitude, humour and tragedy: this show travels through the songs of women who shape the human adventure.
* With Aurore Daniel, Lillie Daniel, Alexandra Lacour, Marine Torre
* Directed by: Serge Hureau and Olivier Hussenet
* Meet in front of Le Hall de la chanson à la Villette (behind the Grande Halle)
(Duration approx. 1h20)