15 - 17 September 2023Passed
free entry
September 2023
Friday 15
12:00 - 20:00
Saturday 16
12:00 - 20:00
Sunday 17
10:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the intellectually impaired
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired
7 to 99 years old

Bazaar St So

292 rue Camille Guérin 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Exhibition "The city turns in circles? Architecture, city, and landscape: modes of (re)employment

What if the city was animated by a cycle, allowing it to self-regulate, to regenerate, like the cycle of life? The notion of a circular city expresses the idea that it can be built...
15 - 17 September 2023Passed
free entry
WAAO + Atelier Bienvu

What if the city was animated by a cycle, allowing it to self-regulate, to regenerate, like the cycle of life? The notion of a circular city expresses the idea that it can build on itself, from existing resources. However, the city also seems to be going in circles, renewing for many years the same anthropocentric and productivist practices. This new exhibition presents reuse as one of the alternatives to architecture, city and landscape. It is the result of the meeting with a hundred developers, inhabitants, institutions, associations, craftsmen, companies, architects, landscapers, designers and planners. It testifies to the collective and enthusiastic energy of all those people who initiate innovative projects on a daily basis. Imagined as a series of instructions for use for everyone, this exhibition presents re-employment under different prisms: materials, spaces, nature, buildings, wastelands, uses, sectors… These guidelines are not “exhaustive” but “enhancers”. They seek to reveal the sensitive, to develop our curiosity, to overcome preconceived ideas, to touch the habits of those who make and live in our cities. More than 50 projects will be presented in the form of testimonials, models, photos, videos and other artifacts. Nothing is left to chance – in a logic of circularity – from the content to the scenography deployed. This exhibition is initiated at the Bazaar st So – a third place where it is presented for the first time – where many residents work every day. We express the diversity of professions, people and human skills that this same place brings together. The texts, content, layout and scenography were designed with residents. Visits of the exhibition are organized on the occasion, for the general public and for the young public (7-13 years with booklets of mediation) Around the exhibition and on the occasion of the JEP 2023, you find a path of cabins in reuse, guided tours and children’s workshops. To finish on Friday, September 15, Christine Leconte, president of the National Council of the Order of Architects will hold a conference in the Bazaar-St-So.

Types d'événement
Thèmes 2023
Patrimoine vivant
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Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Bazaar St So
292 rue Camille Guérin 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
The Bazaar St So is a former train station that has become a third 5,000 m² space dedicated to the creative economy: designers, artisans, scenographers… Located right in the city centre in a former freight station, it welcomes 300 people every day, and hosts trainings, conferences, festive events during the week and weekends.
Site patrimonial remarquable, Patrimoine ferroviaire, des transports et du génie civil
Metro Lille Grand Palais