Visit the exhibition "The city in colors"
Anne-Marie Aréthens has been painting for more than twenty years.
"I have explored many techniques, particularly knife painting. Then, my perfectionist side oriented me towards flat areas and lines, a little in the spirit of cubism. I create very colorful paintings, all in perspective." Among his favorites: the lithographs of Aurélien Ortega and the way he impregnated his works of light. Kind of an inspiration. And among the paintings she reveals: winks to Brittany, atypical streets of the South or the English Jard of Châlons.
Anne-Marie has participated in numerous group exhibitions throughout France with the Société Artistique des Groupes La Poste et Orange, and in Châlons with Art Vivant.
She exhibited alone at the priory of Vinetz, for the first time.
«My very colorful painting is made with acrylic paint, which is very suitable for making flat areas and lines, with as theme architectural landscapes and perspectives always present in my paintings».