CCCOD - Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré
Jardin François 1er, 37000 Tours
- Indre-et-Loire
- Centre-Val de Loire
The Centre of contemporary creation Olivier Debré (CCC OD) endows Tours(Ballots,Towers) and the Val de Loire of a Contemporary Arts Centre in international influence(radiation). In a 4 500 m2, exceptional building(ship) by the quality of the space and the drawing of light, conceived(designed) by architects' agency Areas Mateus, CCC OD shelters three spaces of exhibitions(exposures), two auditoriums, a coffee(café) and a bookshop. Every exhibition(exposure) gives rise to a personalised support of the public, children as adults, as well as to events and animations. Right in the centre of the region of Châteaux of the Loire, the youngest of arts centres endows the city of Tours(Ballots,Towers) of a prestigious place of creation in international influence(radiation).
Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Architecture contemporaine remarquable, Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs
Access by the centre of Tours(Ballots,Towers)
©CCC OD Tours