16 and 17 September 2023Passed
limited number of places available, registration required
September 2023
Saturday 16
16:00 - 17:00
Sunday 17
16:00 - 17:00
8 to 99 years old

Théâtre de Chartres

Place de Ravenne, 28000 Chartres
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Oedipus Inside Show

Show «Œdipe Inside» of the Glorious Company directed by Antoinette Romero.
16 and 17 September 2023Passed
limited number of places available, registration required
Antoinette Romero

«Oedipe Inside» show of the Glorious Company directed by Antoinette Romero. «The myth of Oedipus told by a clown. Witness, he claims to have seen everything. Storyteller, he plunges us into this history of origins. Actor, he does not resist the temptation to believe in it. As a puppeteer, he stealthily makes certain protagonists appear. Clown, he thinks no less.”

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Thèmes 2023
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription
Type de public
Tout public

About the location

Théâtre de Chartres
Place de Ravenne, 28000 Chartres
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire
TDC-THÉÂTRE of Chartres, is an elegant place of culture, in configuration and in machinery thought Italian-style, built in 1860 by the architect Chartrain Alfred Piébourg and inaugurated in 1861\. He(It) is compound(made up) of two rooms: a home(foyer) 100 - 200 places(squares) and a big(great) room of 500 places(squares). Theatre is managed by the association Break. His director proposes a various artistic and quality programme planning(and quality programming), with concerts jazz, classics, of song, classic and contemporary theatre, different styles of dances, of humor, of young audience, etc.
Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
©Ville de Chartres