Château de Volognat
3, chemin de Charrière, 01460 Nurieux-Volognat, Ain, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The castle of Volognat is located in a green setting. At the bottom of a ruz, partial collapse on the one hand of a coomb, it was, undoubtedly, built to bother(disturb) the access to the coomb of Berthiand which dominates the valley of Volognat. Under the aegis of the Lord of Thoire and Villard, the family of Mornay settles down in the castle of Volognat in 1250\. They could build "tours(towers,ballots) and walls" in 1301 and open so the seigniory of Volognat. Without derivation families followed one another. So Feillens-Volognat then of Moyria. After the Revolution, the Desborde du Châtelet, the Laguette de Mornay, Douglas then finally the Vaffier family the castle of which the descendants, by its branch Dulauroy, always occupy. The castle, by its wooden parks, is a site of an obvious charm. Its composite architecture is original, its furniture typical of the XIXth century and its tapestries of the XVIIIth century will stop(arrest) the amateurs.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir
on-the-spot Parking lot
©Château de Volognat