Brain Makeover - Company 3 seconds
Welcome to the Cerebral Makeover show! Are you neurotic, hypochondriac, neurasthenic, angry, moody, pessimistic, introverted, paranoid, depressed? You suffer from a pathology that denies you access to well-being? Do not panic, keep hope, wherever you are the Brain Makeover arrives in your city to help you and shake the coconut tree. The Cerebral Makeover team has concocted a few spicy situations and a series of challenges to overcome in order to brave your feverishness and leave with the keys to your well-being. This air circus and street theatre show will immerse you in the world of well-being with humor and lightness. --------------------- From and with: Louise Tignée and Carine Meyer Technique: Benjamin Frenay and Fausto Lorenzi Directed by: Rita Tchenko