17 and 18 September 2022Passed
2 groups of 10 people. registration required.No need to show up without reservation. However, a free tour of the surroundings is offered using the Explorama application «La marelle des arts» (QR code in [www.rozsda.com](http://www.rozsda.com)).
September 2022
Saturday 17
10:00 - 12:00
Sunday 18
10:00 - 12:00
16 to 99 years old

Atelier Rozsda-Bateau Lavoir

13 Place Emile-Goudeau 75018 Paris
  • Île-de-France

[FULL] Commented visit "From the Picasso workshop to the Rozsda workshop to the Bateau Lavoir"

Evocation of the circumstances that allowed Picasso to create Cubism in this place. Discover Rozsda’s work and his affinities with Picasso, Françoise Gilot and André Breton.
17 and 18 September 2022Passed
2 groups of 10 people. registration required.No need to show up without reservation. However, a free tour of the surroundings is offered using the Explorama application «La marelle des arts» (QR code in [www.rozsda.com](http://www.rozsda.com)).
photo Zoltan© Atelier Rozsda

From the Picasso workshop to the Rozsda workshop. To the Lavoir boat
The space once occupied by Picasso, rebuilt after the fire of 1970, is now home to the Atelier Rozsda which retains intact the imprint of its last occupant but remains haunted by Picasso and his «band».
Pablo Ruiz Picasso moved in 1904 to the Bateau Lavoir, a disused factory transformed into workshops for young, empty painters. It will occupy the workshop located at the southwest corner of the first basement. Surrounded by poets and in tandem with the young Braque, Picasso will make this place the laboratory from which Cubism will hatch. There he will paint Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.
In 1978, Endre Rozsda is very moved to be awarded this workshop located exactly in the same southwest corner of the first basement, because it is the discovery of Picasso’s work in 1939 that allowed Rozsda to find his pictorial language.
Born in 1913 in Hungary, he made France his adopted home, His singular work, which rejects the distinction abstraction/figuration was praised by André Breton. Backed by powerful patrons, Rozsda gave up the art market. He occupied this workshop until his death in 1999. In a happy fullness but unknown to the general public.
L'Atelier has become, while retaining a pictorial activity, a place of research and reflection on the work of Rozsda. Its animators, during the JEP, will trace the moments that made the Bateau Lavoir a mythical place. They will evoke the career of Endre Rozsda, its singularities, its affinities with Picasso, Françoise Gilot, André Breton and Raymond Queneau.
Registration required. No need to arrive without a reservation. However, a free visit of the surroundings is offered using the Explorama application «La marelle des arts» (QR code in www.rozsda.com)

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2022
Patrimoine durable
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription

About the location

Atelier Rozsda-Bateau Lavoir
13 Place Emile-Goudeau 75018 Paris
  • Île-de-France
Located on the Montmartre hill at Bateau Lavoir, the Rozsda workshop is on the same site where Picasso, in 1907, painted «Les demoiselles d'Avignon». Rebuilt after the fire of 1970, the workshop has kept intact Rozsda’s footprint but remains haunted by Picasso and his «band».
Maison, appartement, atelier de personnes célèbres
Metro: Abbesses, Pigalle, Lamarck – Caulaincourt/ Bus 40, 80, 95, 30 and 54/ Parking: Place Clichy, Antwerp
Atelier Rozsda, photo Zoltan