Saturday 17 September 2022, 21:00Passed
Price: 20€ meal + show. 10€ show alone. Free admission for show alone. Reservation by phone for meal.
 06 71 25 42 41
September 2022
Saturday 17
21:00 - 23:00
6 to 99 years old


Le bourg, 46110 Saint-Michel-de-Bannières
  • Lot
  • Occitanie

Sound and light show "Journey through three centuries of history"

Witness a historic fresco mixing the actors of the Bridiers troupe with volunteers from the village.
Saturday 17 September 2022, 21:00Passed
Price: 20€ meal + show. 10€ show alone. Free admission for show alone. Reservation by phone for meal.
 06 71 25 42 41
©association St Michel passion

Witness a historic fresco mixing the actors of the Bridiers troupe with volunteers from the village.

The Bidiers troupe specializes in the production of large-scale historical frescoes, conceived as live films and combining giant image projections, costumes and accessories and special effects of all kinds.
In Saint-Michel-de-banners, discover more than 10 paintings evoking the history or characters of the village from the 18th to the 20th century and travel through more than three centuries of history!

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Thème 2022
No selection
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Conditions de participation
Tarif habituel

About the location

Le bourg, 46110 Saint-Michel-de-Bannières
  • Lot
  • Occitanie
Saint-Michel-de-banners is a village in the north of the Lot on the edge of the Corrèze, inscribed in the valley of the Tourmente, not far from the site identified as Uxcellodunum, the place where the last battle of the Gallic War took place. It has a church classified as Historical Monuments of the 12th century and a castle of the 15th century, and has just obtained the label organic territory engaged.
Édifice rural, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Monument historique