Guided tour of the park of Chantore Castle
One-hour guided tour of the park by the owner of the estate on the theme: Chantore Park: Art or Nature?
The park of Chantore castle, labeled Remarkable Garden and listed as Historical Monuments, is a landscaped park located on a promontory overlooking the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel that the visitor can admire through a break in the tree canopy.
The typical park of the nineteenth century is characterized by a gentle hillock, framed views of the great landscape, winding paths allowing to discover little by little different animated scenes (bridge to the imperial, the haunted tower, the cave…), remarkable vegetal elements (ancient camellias, rhododendrons, sequoias, Lebanon cedar, Virginia tulip trees, Louisiana bald cypress…) and by the auditory and visual presence of the water with the English river forming waterfalls and ponds.