Plant Inspirations through History
Embroidery, sculpture, illustration, perfumery and body care; know-how inspired by Nature. Come discover the history of these variations of plant through the modes.
Saturday 17 September 2022, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00Passed
Registration required
parc-botanique.launay@universite-paris-saclay.frService Environnement et Paysages, Université Paris-Saclay
An inexhaustible source of inspiration, the plant has continued to nourish the arts and crafts over the centuries. Embroidery, sculpture, illustration, perfumery and body care, discover the history of its variations through fashion and leave with one of your creations in plant print.
Animation proposed by the Jardin botanique de l'Université Paris-Saclay and the Serre botanique in partnership with Histor/L'Histoire Retrouvée/Qvintvs me fecit.