Pavillon d'Artois
187 bis rue du général de Gaulle 78740 Vaux-Sur-Seine
The Pavillon d'Artois is one of the most beautiful private historic mansions of the Yvelines. Former hunting lodge of the Count of Artois, younger brother of Louis XVI and future Charles X, it is a place of celebration, full of charm and poetry. Hyacinthe Rigaud, the portraitist of Louis XIV, lived there for 15 years, and in the 20th century Gustave Roussy then Léon and Eleanor Barzin Post. Today reopened to the public and the arts, it regularly hosts private concerts in its 5 music salons according to acoustics and the era of keyboard instruments sought (harpsichord, clavichord, pianos 1835, 1855, 1892, 1905, 1985 finally, Érard, Tomkison, Bosendorfer, Steinway... ). Become a friend of music at the art pavilion by subscribing to [](
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin
400m walk from Vaux sur Seine train station on the J line 45mn from St Lazare train station.
Pierre Fournel