Espace culturel Les 26 couleurs
Rue Pasteur 77310 Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry
- Seine-et-Marne
- Île-de-France
Rehabilitated as a cultural space, the former power plant of the Leroy wallpaper factory houses all the original electrical machines and, since 1962, the 26-colour printing machine, unique in the world. The heritage of the plant (1986-2006) continued in parallel with the rehabilitation project and resulted in the opening of the cultural space Les 26 Couleurs in June 2011\. A performance and cinema hall, a multipurpose hall, a workshop hall and a restaurant have now replaced the coal storage areas and boilers used for steam and electricity production. Through a program mixing live show, cinema, plastic installations but also heritage, thanks to the enhancement of the past of the site Leroy and its actors, Les 26 Couleurs offers for the Heritage Days thematic and theatrical tours. The 26 Colors - Credit Ville de Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Musée, salle d'exposition
Entrance by the edge of the Seine from the public car park (located at the rear of the building) rue du 11 novembre 1918