Exhibition Utopique! A geography on a human scale
In the comic book Utopique! (2020), Vito imagines the ecological revolution by being interested in the territory, its inhabitants and the decline. Come and discover some of these ideal cities filled with realistic, biting and fun details!
Vito’s books are on sale at the Passion Comic Book Store.
Related to the exhibition: After discovering the exhibition Utopique! , meet Vito on Saturday 24 September from 3pm to 5pm and create a mental map of your ideal city: observe your daily territory to question your mobility, your consumption habits and your relationship to the public space. This is an opportunity to confront the perspectives of teenagers/adults and imagine the city in which we would like to live together! Teenagers/adults, from 12 years. On prior registration on 03 27 97 88 51 or by writing to libraeque@ville-douai.fr