A last drink? Contemporary glass design

Come and discover the contemporary glass in all its splendour!
Out of love for crafts and glass, these young graduates came from all over France, but also from Hong Kong and Switzerland to train themselves in glass and develop their approach to creating a workshop at the Cerfav in Vannes-le-Châtel.
The visitor can immerse himself in the contemporary glass creation. Thus, he will have the opportunity to stroll among flying saucers, to be bluffed by a cushion, to wonder about the balance and the traces left in the glass, to marvel at everyday objects, to reflect on its finiteness, to feel fully alive, to question oneself on his deep self, to let go in front of the glass landscapes, to bring a new look or relationship to the body, to experience the sound of crystal… All this through works taking various forms, exploring and mixing a variety of techniques and materials.
Exhibitors are:
Hugo Courchelle, Barbara Frei, Anaïs Piatek, Maxime Rosseel, Manon Sandon and Philip Wong
Servane Blat, Marion Durey, Flora Legourrierec, Jeanne Legrand, Antoine Ordonaud, Fabien Cadamuro