Exhibition «Jeanne, une icône lorraine à la Faïencerie de Sarreguemines»
The image of the Lorraine icon is omnipresent, both under lay and religious features, in school books, on printed images, stained glass windows...
17 and 18 September 2022Passed

©Musées de Sarreguemines
The image of the Lorraine icon is omnipresent, both under lay and religious features, in school books, on printed images, stained glass windows...
The pottery of Sarreguemines is no exception in developing, throughout its history, a rich production with the effigy of Joan of Arc.
These works perfectly illustrate the know-how acquired by the potters of Sarreguemines while reflecting the diversity of representations and appropriations of this great national figure, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Exhibition at the Faience Museum, from September 17, 2022 to February 26, 2023.