Église Saint-Amé et Saint-Blaise
5 Place Napoléon III, 88370 Plombières-les-Bains
The current church dates from 1861 (following the destruction of the old one in 1857). Its construction was financed by Napoleon III, to welcome all people of the worldly life. The original church was then too small to accommodate the crinolines. Meanwhile, masses were celebrated on the Promenade des Dames. Neo-gothic church (plan revised by Viollet the Duke) with a height of arrow to 61 m, one distinguishes the imperial crown in thanks and in honor of the emperor. In neo-Gothic ogival style, it was built on the plans of the architect Grillot and thanks to the generosity of Napoleon III. Begun in 1858, it was consecrated in 1863\. It has a large Romantic organ, one of the most beautiful in the region.
Monument historique, Édifice religieux, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire

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