Église Sainte-Lucie de Vallieres
30 rue Jean-Pierre Jean, 57070 Metz
The church of Vallières, construction of which goes back up(raises) to the XIth century, was transformed and was extended in 1760 according to the plans of the architect Tellier. The chorus(choir), which was before under the bell tower, was postponed(put back) in the North, in the old(former) cemetery. The nave, considerably extended, was managed southward. The tower of the bell tower, which belongs to Romanic style, is very remarkable: the tower has two floors with two small twin windows in round arch and mullions(transoms) with ornamented capital(big top). Arches stop in the projection of the abacus instead of stopping in that of the capital(big top). The old(former) chorus(choir) has an ogival vault (nervures coiled with stalks in the shape of pear), key of vault; nervures rest(base) on consoles, the last ones carry the ogival vaults to panels(signs). The big(great) triumphal bow(arc) rests(bases) on two pillars with rectangular capitals(big tops) leant on the wall, with which the one is adorned with fatigues dress(fatigues dresses,wire-mesh). Of the western side, is ancient IPA - International Phonetic Alphabets half circular with a base very in projection, of strong lésènes and coiled mouldings. In 1913 is installed(settled) the organ of the nave due to Frank Staudt, transformed in 1983 by Haerpfer-Erman.
Édifice religieux, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Monument historique
©Rodolphe Lebois