Workshops for young people about the archaeology of the Great War
Children are improvising archaeologists!
Children aged 8 to 14 can learn about archaeology on the two pits set up near the Historial during a workshop.
This year, the Franco-German Historial is hosting a new educational tool for our young audience. On this occasion, the children will become archaeologists at the heart of two evocations of trenches. Armed with their tools, they will be able to discover the history of this high-place of the Great War through various original historical remains that they themselves will update.
For Alexandre Dumez, a bridge teacher seconded to the Hartmannswillerkopf National Monument Committee, this workshop composed of a French and a German trench will offer children the opportunity to play as an archaeologist for a while. Located under the Franco-German Historial, these trenches faithfully evoke those observed on the site. The children are immersed in an archaeological excavation workshop at a First World War site.”
After having updated their object using scientific excavation techniques, budding archaeologists will have to describe it, place it in its geographical and historical context and then document it, using the visit of the Historial.