Workshop of insults in Alsatian
The Alsatian language is full of creativity... and you too. Come discover or create your insults in Alsatian, with Guy Riss and Nathalie Muller.
Sunday 18 September 2022, 12:00, 15:00Passed
Free. On registration, limited places.
Registration©Théâtre de la Choucrouterie
The Alsatian language is full of creativity... and you too. Come discover or create your insults in Alsatian, with Guy Riss and Nathalie Muller.
Hosted by Guy Riss and Nathalie Muller, two actors of the magazine that we no longer present, come develop your Alsatian in the most playful way possible: by discovering or creating your insults. A workshop that does not take itself seriously, for adults, and where you will not be sanctioned to have the language well hung!